MORE in the PCA is a grassroots movement of Ruling Elders within the PCA that seeks to encourage our brother REs that do not already participate in the Church’s higher courts (Presbytery and General Assembly) to start attending and participating.

Because we are called and ordained as Ruling Elders, we are obligated “to watch diligently over the flock … that no corruption of doctrine or morals enter therein.  [Ruling Elders] must exercise government and discipline, and take oversight not only of the spiritual interests of the particular church, but also the Church generally when called thereunto.”  (BCO 8-3)

We believe that REs are now being “called thereunto.”  In the 2017 General Assembly, TEs outnumbered REs by a ratio of 4:1.  When only 20% of the commissioners are REs, the PCA isn’t really operating with a “plurality of elders.”  And one only needs to examine the record to understand whether the 2017 General Assembly held true to confessional standards.

Currently the number of commissioners that are REs has improved from 20% to 30%-  PCAs general assembly has the highest participation of ruling elders ever and the highest turnout. Ruling elders constituted 1/3 of the assembly and the liberal drift of assembly has been stopped.

One of our main goals will be to provide stipends to REs who have financial obstacles to attending General Assembly.  To that end, we are a 501(c)(3) organization, and will accept tax-deductible contributions to sponsor REs seeking to attend General Assembly.

Beyond that, we will encourage Commissioners to support overtures that will restore the plurality of elders principle.

That’s how we plan to encourage


to get involved in the PCA.